Monday, February 6, 2012

Landon James Flateau

Our blessing from the LORD. Landon James Flateau arrived at 7:10 on Feb 10. What a precious, precious bundle of joy he is! Steve and Landon watched their first Sabres game tonight too! Mom and baby are doing great! Stay tuned.... I'm sure there will be more photos to post (ha ha ha)

2/14/2012 Added some photos of Landons bath time with mommy.

2/21/2012 Added some more photos of Landon. Very Precious!

3/1/2012 Added a few more photos of Landon. Dedication prayer and uncle Nathan


Ken Flateau said...


Claire said...

Congrats! What an beautiful answer to prayer he is.

Claire said...

What a beautiful blessing he is! Congrats, Grandpa!

Claire said...

Congrats! What an beautiful answer to prayer he is.