Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Thunder OVER Niagara"

The air show this year was excellent. The weather was awesome, and some of us walked away with a bit of sunburn.... in September yet!! I was able to see the B-1 bomber take off... though at the time, we were on the I-190N backed up in traffic... note to self: Leave in time to get there before the traffic rush! We sat on the 190 for an hour or more, before the NYSP waved us on to the next exit for an alternate route.

All in all, I don't think we missed too much. I'd seen the majority of the displays before, and was more interested in the flying aspect of the show anyway. I was not disappointed! I had never seen the B-2 stealth bomber live before this day. I was awed as I took photos of the beast... I realized that as I was taking the photos, that the crowd noise was much louder than the plane! Didn't realize how quiet it was.

The MIG gave a nice display of its flying beauty; very graceful in the air. It reminded me of stories I had read as a young guy. I forget the title, but it involved the Korean conflict and battles between the F-86 Sabre and the MIG.

Of course, the stars of the show were impressive! The commander of the Thunderbirds gave the oath of enlistment to at least 25 - 30 enlistees, who responded enmass to the oath.

It was then time for the "Big Show". The skilled flight demos were faultless and very impressive. The music was pounding and driving, until, nearing the end, in honor of those who gave their lives on 9-11, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice as well as those who are still serving today, "God Bless America" was played over the loud speakers. It was very moving to say the least.

Here are some photos of the day:

2011-09-10 Thunder over Niagara

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