Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our Getaway weekend

Debbie and I had our little getaway weekend on 7/2 - 7/3. Went to Russels'(spent the night) and then went down to Randolph to pick up Joy's hope chest, made by an Amish man who did a very nice job! Really great craftsmanship. On the way there, we stopped in Ellicotville so Debbie could check out a craft show. While we were walking around the show, I spotted a photographers boot. I stopped in and immediately was greeted by a wonderful couple - photographers - who made me feel very comfortable, talking about myself and my photography. They were an encouragement to me. Here are a few photos I took along the way. Debbie's not too keen on stopping as much as I would like, so I can only get a few shots.

Anyway, after picking up the chest, we drove to Eric and Tina's home, where we fellowshipped with them and Pastor Darling and Rita, the Pearsons, and several members of their church. Had a great time of fellowship and they had a very nice dinner planned, and we were invited!

Sad to say Vinney was not present, as he is in the Marine Corps, and is away training for their imminent deployment to the Middle East. I took a few photos of your beautiful baby girl Vinney. Hope you like them!

2010-07-03 Abbigale Waltz

We also enjoyed their new kittens! Here they are!

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