Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mrs Spauldings Music Students Recital June 20, 2008

What a wonderful evening at Old Time Baptist Church, where Mrs Spauldings students performed in an annual music recital. Let's see, Piano, Flute, Guitar, Violin, Sax, Cello... Is there anything I missed? It was a blessing to see the fruits of their labor as the musicians demonstrated their levels of skill after what appeared to be much, much practice.

2008-06-20 Recital at Old Time Baptist Church

I am personally thankful for Mrs Spaulding. She has enabled my girls to continue their music education. Joy will be with her for at least 3 more years (Perhaps adding the guitar to her repertoir) and Leah leaves Mrs Spaulding for Crown College, where she intends to continue her music education.

Thank You Mrs Spaulding!

Please feel free to download and print any and all photos you would like to have!

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