Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Deep The Fathers Love

Josh and I joined forces to sing this several years ago. It quickly became one of my favorites. Josh went on to Crown College and now teaches music there.... Big surprise there, eh?

Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Flateau's Funniest Home Video

OK, here we go again. I've finally gotten a program to convert this video into a useful format! Here is Joey and Leah. It was Leah's first day of school.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Niagara Falls

When I went to the falls early in the morning on Saturday, before the conference breakfast, I took a video of the falls. The mist was unbelieveable. I suppose it was because of the cool ambient temperature, relative to the temperature of the water. Any way, it sure was beautiful!

Niagara Falls (Again)

While at the annual Lighthouse Baptist Church Couples Conference, I rose early and went to the brink of the Falls. It was really cold and the mist rose accordingly. Later, we went to the Buffalo Marina to watch the sun set. (well, it WAS a marriage conference, after all)