Friday, May 27, 2011

Joy's 18th Birthday

We surprised Joy on her 18th birthday. We celebrated at her favorite restaurant (Red Robin) We also surprised her by including her friend, Cliff. She walked in the door and saw him there - the look on her face was priceless! Her expression of excitement - "Well shut the front door" was something I'd never heard before! We went home and continued to celebrate with the rest of the family.... which is another story in itself.... I shall post that later!

2011-05-26 Joy's Birthday

Monday, May 23, 2011

Our First Annual Ladies Conference

Man o Man, what a time! Mrs Berry has such a sweet spirit, and is just a blessing to be around. Here are some photos of the day. They are not necessarily in order of occurance and there might even be duplicates... I was in a hurry to get them together.

Here they are... hope you enjoy! If you click on the photo on screen, you will be taken to that image. From there, you can then access the entire album by clicking on the "view all" tag.

I have my favorites... which are yours?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Greeting Center, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

On our way to pick up Leah in Michigan, we stopped at the greeting center. Outside the building was this wonderful garden of tulips. Couldn't resist!

From 2011-05-18 Tulips

Monday, May 16, 2011

I made a new friend

While photographing Joy, this wonderful animal approached us. He was very well behaved and friendly. His name is Cezar. I think he enjoyed posing for me.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tri-State Formal

Friday evening, the Teens traveled to Pennsylvania for their annual formal tri-state dinner. Here are some photos of them. You'll have to admit, they all look very fine indeed! Following the tri-state formal, many of the teens travelled to Cleveland, Ohio for a day in the (liquid) sunshine at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio.

Tri-State Formal

I have ordered 4 x 6 prints of each of these photos and will make them available to you (free). If you would like additional copies (any size) I can make that happen. You might want to get together with others and order together. That will save on shipping costs.