Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lighthouse Baptist Church "Nerd Night"

Our wonderful teenagers dressed up Steve Erkel style (did I do that?). Seems as though they had a great time. They took a lot of pride in their selection of "Nerd Gear" with many of them looking great! I was nervous about taking this large (40+/- kids) group to a public restaurant (Pizza Hut), but they were very well behaved and not one issue. Thanks teens. Sure made a believer out of me!

Here are some of the photos:

2011-03-25 Nerd Night

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Big Moon

Well, it's not the "greatest" photo of the moon, but I thought it was pretty cool. Hope you like it!

From The Moon

Saturday, March 19, 2011


While we were waiting for the Allstar game, thought I'd take a few shots of Joy by natural light.

NFCAA Allstar game

Joy and I went to the NFCAA Allstar game last night. The team on which Josh and Cliff played won the event. It was a great game, and it could have gone either way, but in the end, the yellow team prevailed. Nice game boys!

Also had the opportunity to experiment with higher ISO photography. Here are some shots of the game.

2011-03-18 Christian School Allstar game

Monday, March 7, 2011

More of Teen Spec 2011

Here are a few more photos of TeenSpec 2011. I am sure you'll see some familiar faces. It was a great conference, with many teens making decisions to make a difference with their lives. Pray for our teens. These are tough times. They need your prayers and support!

Teenspec photos

Friday, March 4, 2011

Teen Spectacular 2011

This year, Teen Spectacular was held on 3-5 February. It is held each year at the Grace Baptist Church and various locations around Gaylord. The conference is being held at the Tree Tops resort, and skiing this year was done at Boyne Mountain. (It was awesome, by the way). Here are some photos of our trip. I will add more when I get home. (didn't bring the interface for the camera.)

Teen spec activities are being broadcast live, (streaming video) Check out the site: and catch some of the excitement!

Teen spec 2011