Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Breanna, your photos are now posted on line. Here is the link you will use to access the photos at my store:

Click here

I will text your password to you.

I sure had a blast with you and your sister Kate. I really hope you like your photos

Monday, October 25, 2010

2010 Couples Conference

This year, the Couples Conference was held at the Niagara Falls Convention Center. Accommodations were at the Crown Plaza Hotel. The conference was one of, if not THE best we've ever had. The hotel was superb and spacious. The conference center was well staffed and beautiful. One of the wonders of the world, Niagara Falls, was only a 5-7 minute walk from our hotel.

Pastor and Mrs Jenkins (Grace Baptist Church, Gaylord, MI) and Dr. and Mrs Gary Berry (Liberty Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC) were our guest speakers. Our theme this year was "Integrity, Grace and Honor".

The conference lasted only 2 days, and was such a blessing to all who attended. If you were unable to attend for what ever reason, please, begin planning and saving now for next year's conference. You will not regret it! Next year, we will not only have Dr Berry (I hope) and Dr. Jenkins, we look forward to having Dr. Tom Williams and Pastor Doug Fisher and all of their wives. I don't know how we are going to pack all of this in to a day and a half.... maybe we should give it an extra day? Anyway, I am looking forward to next year.

Here are some photos of the conference. This collection of photos is not yet complete and will be added to in the days to come. I'll let you know when it's complete. You may download any of the photos you like and print them at Walmart, Target or any of your favorite photo printers. If you would like a professional print, with color and density correction, drop me a line with the image number and we'll make that happen.

2010-10-23 Couples conference

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

TBS Girls Volleyball October 18/19

Here are some of the photos of TBS' latest games... Both of which they won. The girls are really wonderful sports, win or lose. Hope you like the photos girls.

2010-10-19 TBS Volleyball

I've Also included some of our fans. See them here:

Some of our spectators

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Cavanaugh girls

I will tell you, I have never had more fun photographing young people than I did today. Thanks girls. You really made my day. I had a riot. I really hope you like the photos. I did add on a couple of green screen photos for you to look at too. thanks again for a wonderful session.

2010-10-17 Cavanaugh