Friday, May 14, 2010

Teen Formal Dinner - May 14, 2010

Check out the photos of our wonderful teens! There was alot of excitement in the air as they prepared to leave. they had been looking forward to this evening for a long, long time. Please click on the link below:

Teen Activity - 14 April 2010 Formal Dinner

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Flateau Funniest Home Video

OK, I have had this video for years, and now have finally released it. Starring Joey and Leah Flateau. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Larissa (DiFillipantonio) Newman

Here is the link I promised you. Did I get the married name correct? I sure hope so.

From Larissa's Wedding Rehearsal

Please click on the link below the photo. Hope you like the photos.