Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Camp 2009

WOW! What a camp! The snow was awesome. The weather was cold, nippy and of course, more snow. I imagine the temperature was around 15 - 18 degrees today. The kids had a riot, and the adults did too! There are over 800 photos (809 to be exact) much of them were shot in rapid sequence to show the snow kicking up as they went down the hill. I really enjoyed shooting them as much as they enjoyed the hill. I am sorry I couldn't stay longer to take the group shots, but, hey... at least I got these!

I hope you enjoy them. Click on the photo to be taken to the entire collection of photos.

From 2009-01-29 winter camp

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chromakey exercise continues!

I have been working very hard on these photos of the marriage conference. I should be done with them very soon. I will then have them printed and they will be mailed out with the advertisements for the next conference in November 2009. Let me know what you think!

From Chromakey photography

Monday, January 5, 2009

My wife's theme song

After 25 years of marriage, I have finally relented, given in and have lost all hope of being on time for anything. Thus, I have declared this to be my wife's theme song.