Sunday, September 16, 2007

Old Time Baptist Tent Meetings

Once again Old Time Baptist church held its annual tent meetings. As usual it was top notch and some of the finest preachers in America were present. It was great to see Mike Saunders there! After nearly being killed in a motorcycle accident, he was up and around (as well as can be expected) He even made his traditional lap around the tent (in his wheelchair!) Mike, it sure is good to see you ! Make sure you check out my Photo Albums!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lighthouse Baptist 5K race

On Friday, Sept 14, the Lighthouse Baptist Church sponsored a 5 Km race. The event had over 30 adult participants and 20 children. The purpose of sponsoring the race was to raise funds for the youth department in the church. Thanks go out to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Heiss for their efforts in this year's event. You may view some of the pictures of the event here:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Olson Dier Wedding

I had the Pleasure of photographing Eric and Jaime's wedding. What a blessing it was! You guys were really fun to watch! Here are a few pics of your day... Click on the link below, or, paste it in your web browser.