Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Eve Service at Lighthouse Baptist Church

Here are a few of the pics I was able to take at our Christmas Eve Service.

Christmas 2007 at the Flateaus

What a wonderful time we had this Christmas. Unfortunately I didn't get the camera out until late in the evening... I had so much fun just talking that I forgot to snap the pics like I normally would. I hope you like the pictures.

Monday, November 26, 2007

2007 Couples Conference slideshow

Lighthouse Baptist Church of North Tonawanda, New York, held its 5th annual "Married Couples Conference" at the Holiday Inn on Grand Island, NY on November 2 - 3. Guest preachers were Bro. Jenkins and Bro Fisher. Brother Fisher opened the meetings by showing us just how adversity and grief can be used by God to draw husbands and wives together.

I have finally finished the photos. Folks, if you attended the conference, please feel free to download for printing any photo you would like. If you would like me to edit the images for color correction or cropping etc., please Please Pay Pal me $1.00 at I hope you enjoy these pictures!

Click on the slide show and you will be directed to the Picasa site where you will be able to download the photos you choose, or you may have them printed for you.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TBS girls defeat the Amherst Baptist School in playoffs!

The girls volleyball team defeated Amherst Baptist School last night in three games. The third game was a squeaker, requiring over 30 points to win. What I thought was cool was after the game we decided to celebrate over ice cream at Andersons. Well, guess who had the same idea? That's right, Amherst Baptist School! It was actuall a nice celebration, and to see the friendship after the game between the two teams was very nice indeed! Congratulations girls! Thank you Coach! You did a nice job!

Here are some photos of the game:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


One of my favorite peoples in the world is charlie! I worked for Chaz for a while in his heating and air-conditioning business. What a blast! We had so much fun working together, people wondered how we got anything done! Would you like to see more of Chaz-man? I really don't know why you would, but, here is the link any way... just don't come yelling at me because your eyes get burned out looking at him.... remember, I warned you!

He is one of the finest heating and A/C men in the business. If you need work done, please call charlie!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall pumpkin sale at church

This year, the youth group is selling pumpkins to help finance their activities. Here are a few shots of their inventory.... I thought the squirrel was a nice addition!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Old Time Baptist Tent Meetings

Once again Old Time Baptist church held its annual tent meetings. As usual it was top notch and some of the finest preachers in America were present. It was great to see Mike Saunders there! After nearly being killed in a motorcycle accident, he was up and around (as well as can be expected) He even made his traditional lap around the tent (in his wheelchair!) Mike, it sure is good to see you ! Make sure you check out my Photo Albums!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lighthouse Baptist 5K race

On Friday, Sept 14, the Lighthouse Baptist Church sponsored a 5 Km race. The event had over 30 adult participants and 20 children. The purpose of sponsoring the race was to raise funds for the youth department in the church. Thanks go out to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Heiss for their efforts in this year's event. You may view some of the pictures of the event here:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Olson Dier Wedding

I had the Pleasure of photographing Eric and Jaime's wedding. What a blessing it was! You guys were really fun to watch! Here are a few pics of your day... Click on the link below, or, paste it in your web browser.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Don't give up on me

My son, Joe, just told me last night how disappointed he was that he had subscribed to my blog and I haven't given him anything new to look at. Please don't give up on me....I've been sick and too tired to even look at the computer and try to do something that resembles orderliness, or, interesting. We at the Lighthouse Baptist Church in North Tonawanda, NY just finished our annual revival meetings . What a great meeting it was! I missed a couple of nights due to illness, but what I did get to hear was something that I think will stay with me forever, i.e. "I can't run this race for you. And you can't run this race for me. And in the end, when we get to our finish line, the prize will be meeting our savior, face to face and placing our crowns at his feet". What a day that will be. I have some new pics taken at the meetings; I'll place them just as soon as I can get to it.

I just learned that uploading video is a possibility now...this is so cool! Can't wait to try it.

Monday, August 6, 2007

New photography opportunity

I am looking forward to working with Stephen Troell Photography at another wedding. This wedding will be for the sister of the Marine married just 2 weeks ago. The family must be going crazy for this one! I am excited to get to work.

The McKloskys

Brother, your family blessed my heart. You'll never know how much!

Brother McKlosky and his family

Brother McKlosky and his family were in town this weekend. What a blessing. The music and preaching were first rate! Thanks folks for coming to our church! It is encouraging to see a family serving God together!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Blue Heron

While at the Buffalo Marina, I saw this being attacked by 2 black birds. It was quite an arial combat situation. I was able to swing the 30D into action just in time catch this image. The Heron squaked his way out of trouble and I never saw it again.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cpl and Mrs Tim Freundschuh

Here is their first kiss.

The Brides Mom

Had the distinct pleasure of helping photograph Marcia's daughter's wedding to Tim, a U.S. Marine. It appears as though Marcia likes what she sees during rehearsal

Soothing Sandy

Sandy, my pastor's wife, always knows what to say. Here she is putting Marcia at ease at her daughters wedding rehearsal

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A tropical paradise?

Here we are again at allegany state park. The kids love to play in the creek. This is my friend's daughter. Makes me think of one of the pacific islands.

My Grand-Dog

This is Bob, Steve and Michelle's puppy. I love this shot.

Our Allegany Vacation

I was feeling like I needed to get away, so I took a drive from the Quaker side of Allegany state park to the Red house side. While driving to Red House, I saw these beauties along side the road and couldn't resist shooting them! Arent they great!? That is all I needed to feel better.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Went to Niagara Falls today to take some shots for my photography class. This is one of my favorites.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Niagara Falls is not far away!

We live between the cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. Here is a shot of the rapids, just above the American side of the falls.

She's a ham!

I was just about to snap the shutter for Leah's pose and Joy popped into view. She has a great sense of timing, I must say.

A tiger lilly in our garden

This beauty was begging me to take its picture!

Leah and girls.

Can you guess which of these girls has never had a driving lesson?

I am not really that unorganized

Contrary to what my wife believes, I am not really that disorganized. I simply have a lot of catching up to do to get this blog started. I have a lot of photos I would like to share, and have no real priority to their placement, other than the fact that I like the quality of some more than others. Perhaps you have an opinion regarding a photo...I like constructive criticism. It helps me to "focus" on what I am doing.

Erika...a new species of underwater animal

Never before seen one like this. It attacks unwary victims as they near the location of the species. A viscious, yet harmless attack. Watch out!


I love watching kids do what kids do best.